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Chen Ken / Cui Yongqiang, Handbook to chinese Auricular Therapy - englisch (antiquarisch)


Leichte Lagerspuren, ansonsten ungebrauchtes Exemplar


Chinese auricular therapy is the use of the auricle for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Specific acupuncture points on the external ear were used for the relief of various disorders of the body over 4,000 years ago. As a unique "teach yourself" reference book, this handbook deals with Chinese auricular therapy in the practical sense only. It is written in two main parts. Part I introduces the basic theories of Chinese auricular therapy including the characteristics of Chinese auricular therapy, locations, functions and indications of Chinese auricular acu-points, auricular diagnosis. principles of selections of acu-points, techniques of manipulation and auricular analgesia. Part II is devoted to a detailed description of the treatment of common diseases and disorders, which are minutely discussed as to etiology, pathological differentiations. principles and methods of treatment and prescriptions of auricular points, complete with clear illustrations of black-and-white drawings.

Included in this handbook are special techniques that have been greatly developed from simple needling to manipulations of delicate skill.

Various new types of auricular stimulations are also introduced, such as filiform needling, embedded needling, electro-needling, hydro-needling, laser needling, bloodletting therapy, magnetotherapy, seed-pressure therapy, auricular moxibustion and massage


  • Taschenbuch: 238 Seiten
  • Verlag: China International Book Trading Corporation 1991
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN-10: 711901224X
  • ISBN-13: 9787119012247
  • 18,3 x 11,4 x 1,3 cm

Chen Ken / Cui Yongqiang, Handbook to chinese Auricular Therapy - englisch (anti

Artikelnummer: 9787119012247
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