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leichte Lagerspuren, ansonsten sehr gut erhaltenes Exemplar


Clay modelling is al pupular flok art both in China and abroad, Cla Figuring Zhang is the name given to a famous family of artists who have dedicated themselves to creating day figurines since the eighteenth century. In this book, Zhang Chang, himself a fourth generation Zhang, describes in intricate detail wiht the aid of hundreds of illustrations the history of the family's art and the methods used over the centuries to create the unique Cla Figurine Zhang Style.


  • Herausgeber : China. New World Press. 1989
  • Sprache: : Englisch
  • SC mit 84 S.
  • ISBN-10 : 7800050750
  • ISBN-13 : 9787800050756

Chinese Clay Art the Zhang style painted figurines (englisch) (antiquarisch)

Artikelnummer: 9787800050756
CHF 19.50Preis
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