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Philosophical Analysis


Nikos Psarros has studied Chemistry and Philosophy in Würzburg and Marburg. He received 1988 his Ph.D. in Chemistry and 1997 his Habilitation in Philosophy at the University of Marburg. He is working since 1998 at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Leipzig, where he was appointed 2004 extraordinary professor of Philosophy. Recent publications: Die Chemie und ihre Methoden – Eine philosophische Betrachtung (Chemistry and its methods – a philosophical approach), Weinheim 1999; Die Entwicklung sozialer Wirklichkeit (The evolution of social reality – coedited with Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer und Georg Vobruba), Weilerswist 2003; Wilhelm Ostwald at the Crossroads of Chemistry, Philosophy, and Media Culture (coedited with Britta Görs and Paul Ziche), Leipzig 2004; Facetten des Menschlichen (Facets of the human nature - forthcoming).
Katinka Schulte-Ostermann has studied Philosophy, East and Southeast European History and German Literature in Kiel and Leipzig. She obtained her MA phil. degree at the University of Leipzig in 2003. She works since 2005 as research assistant at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Recent publications: Basishandlungen und Intentionalität: Komplexe Handlungen oder über die Unmöglichkeit ein Menü zu kochen (Basic actions and intentionality: Aggregate actions, or about the impossibility to cook a menu, MA thesis) Leipzig 2002; Vier schlechte Verkaufsargumente für Enhancement-Techniken (Four bad selling arguments for Enhancement technologies), Dialektik 2006 (in the press).


The aim of this volume is to explore new approaches to the problem of the constitution of the various aspects of sociality and to confront these with received ideas. Therefore many of the contributions to this volume are devoted to a rather holistic and antireductionist conception of social objects, groups, joint actions and collective knowledge. The topics, that are dealt with are: a) the question of the ontological status of social objects and their relation to physical objects, b) collective agency and c) the question whether there can be shared knowledge and shared beliefs – a rather new topic in the discussion of the social aspects of personal life.

370 S. HC


Ontos Verlag

Schulte-Ostermann Katinka and Nikos Psarros, Facets of Sociality

Artikelnummer: 9783938793398
CHF 87.00 Standardpreis
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